10 Tachlis Ideas for Getting Your FB Page High Holiday Ready

It’s Elul and the High Holidays are just around the corner.  Now is the perfect time to get your Facebook Page ‘Likeable!’ How will you use it as an entry point for prospective members seeking to engage in the holiday season, and as a point of connection for current members?

 We’ve compiled 10 ideas to get the conversation going.  Feel free to add your ideas and your social media "New Year’s Resolution" for deepening your community’s engagement.

1. Create a series of 5 questions to ask on your page related to Slichot and Elul. It’s always a good idea to ask at least two people in advance to comment on each one to get the converstion going.

2. Recruit 10 community members to hold up a sign that indicates something they are thankful for.  Post 2 photos a week over the next five weeks on your Page.

3. Ask fans what is a new beginning for them – you can create an open ended prompt in your post, like "My new beginning for this year is…."  Follow up with weekly "new beginnings" updates.

4. Be transparent – show how you are getting ready for the high holidays, including "behind the scenes": photos of staff stuffing envelopes with tickets, setting up chairs, cleaning the kitchen, etc.

5. Share content from Jewels of Elul daily to the page. Hit "share" and ask your own question on top of it. Create a video "playlist" of videos that address High Holiday themes and post them once a week during Elul.

6. Post seasonal recipes and ask people to talk about their own versions of those dishes.  Solicit favorite holiday recipes and memories and encourage people to include photos.

7. Welcome new members by name as they join your community and upload their family photo (with their permission).  Encourage folks to find these new community members and introduce themselves over the holidays.

8. Play "Jewish Trivia" – develop a list of little known facts and customs about the High Holidays and ask questions in a post…revealing the answer later in the comments. Example: Why do some people wear tennis shoes on Yom Kippur?

9. Create Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, and Simchat Torah Timeline cover photos and rotate them out accordingly.

10. Crowdsource part of your High Holiday drash by posing questions to your community and soliciting their responses.

What is your community doing to get your Facebook Page ready for the High Holidays, and to capitalize on the increased attention during this time of year?


Be On Top of Your High Holy Day Web Site Game

While congregations spend a tremendous amount of time and energy preparing for the community to walk in the doors for the High Holy Days, it’s important to remember that your web site is a critical destination for members, prospects and the community at large at this time of year. Think creatively and carefully about how you can deepen the holiday experience, serve your members and strengthen relationships. While the logistics of the season may seem obvious to you, making sure you’re offering clear and easy to find information can be more valuable to your members than you might think. Consider:

  • Basic info like times and locations, with links to or an image of Google Maps or Mapquest;
  • Parking information, restrictions, suggestions;
  • Opportunities to increase comfort, such as a downloadable definition of terms, transliteration and translation of common greetings for the holidays, and brief tutorials on traditions, like the symbolism of apples and honey;
  • Support for self-guided reflection — though many people may not attend selichot services in person, how might you provide questions to catalyze pre-Rosh Hashanah reflection? Could be a question per day on the home page, or one per day emailed from the Rabbi;
  • Provide links to additional opportunities like sign ups for adult education classes, and resources MyJewishLearning.com or Babaganewz.com to deepen members’ experience;
  • Provide background information and any logistical details that might be helpful to the community at large and neighbors who live or work near the congregation

Temple De Hirsch Sinai in Seattle and Bellevue, Washington has made great use of their home page with quick links to more info, a few reflective questions, and an invitation (note: not an announcement, but an invitation) to join selichot services

How are you using your site this high holy day season? What would you add to the checklist above?